Audition infoThe Patchwork Festival presents nine plays in rotating repertory over two weekends. This will consist of three 3-play groups: A, B, and C. This year’s theme is Redemption.
Auditions will be held at the Broadway United Methodist Church, 3338 N Broadway January 2nd and 3rd from 6-10. Auditions will consist of sides from the shows. A link to those sides will be provided when an audition slot is confirmed. Rehearsals will be online via Zoom/space of director’s choosing between casting and February 3rd based on Individual cast availability. Each show will then rehearse in person at the Broadway United Methodist Church. 2/3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 13 from 6:30-10:30 pm. Rehearsal slots for each night will be 6:30-7:40, 7:50-9:00, and 9:10-10:20 Each show will rehearse one day per week. All shows will then do a designer run on 2/15 from 12:30-5:30 at Broadway United. Tech for the shows will be at the Edge Theatre on Broadway as follows 2/18 Group A 7-11; 2/19 Group B 7-11, and 2/20 Group C 7-11 Performances will be at the Edge Theatre as follows 2/21 Group A and B 7:30; 2/22 Group C and A 7:30; 2/23 Group B and C 3:00; 2/28 Group A and B 7:30; 3/1 Group C and A; 3/2 Group B and C 3:00 There is presently no pay EFCT is dedicated to producing shows that reflect the wide diversity of the Chicago theatre community. The sides below describe the characters as written. There are no preconceived notions as to who can portray the characters, and as such EFCT encourages actors of all ethnicities, gender identities, abilities, body types, etc to submit and choose the sides of whichever characters speak to you. SIDES THE THREE HUSBANDS OF SARAH TILBURY SIDE 1--ARCHIBALD (M)Father who thinks he's dojng what s right/Lily (F) Sister to Sarah, protective of her sister. SIDE 2-COVINGTON (M) Former sea captain, suitor for Sarah/SARAH (F) Independent, knows her mind, stuck in a system that doesn't value either of those things/LILY/ARCHIBALD IFA(A)NG SIDE 1: RONNIE (F Young, eager, starting to despair SIDE 2: MEL (F) Successful, knowledgeable, enjoying turning the tables THE BED TRICK SIDE 1: THE VIRGIN-(F) Young, innocence as a personality THE OTHER WOMAN (F)--Worldly, sees the hypocrisy of the system SIDE 2 MAN-(M) Earnest, truly believes what he's saying THE OTHER WOMAN MUCHO MILLIONS SIDE 1-RANDALL, LEE, AJA, Co-workers with a plan SIDE 2-SHAWNA(F) The others' boss, trying to keep on track RANDALL, LEE, AJA SIDE 3- ALL--things fall apart JORDAN AND RACHELLE AND ROMEO AND JULIET JORDAN (M)Actor of color Loves Shakespeare, theatre, and Romeo and Juliet RACHELLE (F) Actor of Color Hates all those things, and hates being where she is HELLMATES SIDE 1 THEODORE-(M) Entitled, definitely a Karen WILSON-(F) Guard, Loves stirring the pot SIDE 2 AUGIE- (M)A huy who learned his lesson and tries to make amends THEODORE ..FLIES WITH HONEY MOMMA--(F) Desperate to protect what's left of her family BOY--(M) 8-10 years old Curious, doesn't really understand what';s happening MAYBE TOMORROW ELLEN (F) mid-30's-early 40's University professor. Reserved, but can lash out though immediately regrets doing so. MICHAEL (M) 40's University professor, widower, ready for a change MATISSE BILL (M) 40+ Lawyer, married to MARY. Typical American tourist MARY (F) 40+ Librarian, seeing the world in a new way, married for fifteen years to BILL |